privacy Policy

We are delighted that you are interested in our company and would like to know more about our data protection and privacy measures. Data protection is a high priority for our company, and while the basic use of our Web Site, System and Services is generally possible without any indication of personal data, data subjects may need to voluntarily submit some personal data. With this Privacy Policy, we would like to obtain your Consent for the necessary collection, Processing, use and potential transfer of personal data you voluntarily submit to us and which you agree we may collect, Process, use, store and transfer under the terms and conditions of this Policy.

This Policy applies as between you, the User of this Web Site and TeachUp Limited the owner and provider of this Web Site. This Policy applies to our potential collection, use, Processing and transfer of any and all Data collected by us in relation to your use of the Web Site and any Services or Systems therein.

1. Definitions and Interpretation

In this Policy the following terms shall have the following meanings:

"Account": means collectively the user access account, including personal information, payment Information and credentials used by Users to access any material and / or any communications System on the Web Site;

“Consent” means any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the data subject’s wishes by which he or she, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action, signifies agreement to the Processing of personal Data relating to him or her under this Policy.

"Content": means any text, graphics, images, audio, video, software, data compilations and any other form of information capable of being stored in a computer that appears on or forms part of this Web Site;

"Cookie": means a small text file placed on your computer or other device by TeachUp Limited Ltd when you visit certain parts of this Web Site. This allows us to gather and Process information essential for the Web Site to function correctly (essential cookies) and to identify recurring visitors and to analyse and facilitate their browsing habits within the Web Site (non-essential cookies).

“Data”: means collectively all information that you submit to the Web Site. This includes, but is not limited to, Account details, any type of personal information and information submitted using any of our Services or Systems;

“Process” or “Processing” means any operation or set of operations which is performed on Data (including personal Data or Sensitive Personal Data”) or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.

"TeachUp Limited" or “TeachUp”: means the data controller under this Policy, namely TeachUp Limited, Unit A, 6/F, Success Commercial Building, 245-251 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong;

“Sensitive Personal Data” any information that, if leaked or illegally used, could easily lead to the infringement of human dignity or cause harm to an individual or their property, this information shall include, but not be limited to: (i) information necessary to Process your payment (such as your bank account and payment card number, provided by you or in your name); (ii) information about minors, provided with the authorisation of the parent or guardian; (iii) location information, based on your IP address.

"Service": means collectively any online facilities, tools, services, materials or information that TeachUp Limited makes available through the Web Site either now or in the future;

"System": means any online infrastructure that TeachUp Limited makes available through the Web Site either now or in the future. This includes, but is not limited to, our education platform, web-based email, message boards, live chat facilities and email links;

"User" / "Users": means any third party that accesses the Web Site or System and is not employed by TeachUp Limited and acting in the course of their employment; and

"Web Site": means the website that you are currently using (<>) and any sub-domains of this site (e.g. unless expressly excluded by their own terms and conditions.

2. Data Collected

Without limitation, you Consent that any of the following Data may be collected and Processed by TeachUp:

2.1 name;

2.2 date of birth;

2.3 job title & profession;

2.4 contact information such as email addresses and telephone numbers;

2.5 demographic information such as post code, preferences and interests, provided that no Sensitive Personal Data shall be requested to be disclosed;

2.6 financial information such as credit / debit card numbers;

2.7 IP address (automatically collected);

2.8 web browser type and version (automatically collected);

2.9 operating system (automatically collected);

2.10 a list of URLS starting with a referring site, your activity on this Web Site, and the site you exit to (automatically collected); and

2.11 Cookie information: see our separate Cookie Policy;

2.12 Any other type of Data, including personal Data you voluntarily record or save on the Web Site or System.

3. Our Use of Data and purposes of Data Processing

3.1 You hereby Consent for TeachUP Limited (and any of its affiliates and group companies) to gather, Process, use and transfer, within the context within it was submitted, any personal Data (including any Sensitive Personal Data) which you voluntarily provide in the context of the Web Site, the System and the Services, for as long as you use the Services and Systems provided on the Web Site. Data that you may submit through any communications System that we may provide may be retained for a longer period of up to one year.

3.2 Unless we are obliged or permitted by law to do so, and subject to Clause 4, your Data will not be disclosed to third parties. This includes our affiliates and / or other companies within our group.

3.3 All personal Data is stored securely in accordance with the principles of the Hong Kong Cap. 486 Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. For more details on security, see Clause 9 below.

3.4 Any or all of the above Data may be requested by us from you on a voluntary basis from time to time in order to provide you with the best possible service and experience when using our Web Site, System and Services. Specifically, you hereby Consent that your Data may be used by us for the following legitimate purposes:

3.4.1 internal record keeping and accounts management;

3.4.2 improvement of our products / services including updating, expanding or tailoring our products/services to your individual needs;

3.4.3 transmission by email of promotional materials, or tailoring of marketing materials and advertising that may be of interest to you;

3.4.4 contact for market research purposes which may be done using email, telephone, fax or mail. Such information may be used to customise or update the Web Site.

4. Third Party Web Sites and Services

TeachUp Limited may, from time to time, employ the services of other parties for dealing with matters that may include, but are not limited to, payment handling, delivery of purchased items, information technology services (including maintenance, debugging, and updates of the Web Site and System), accountancy and legal services, search engine facilities, advertising and marketing and similar professional services. TeachUp shall not grant providers of such services access to all personal Data provided by Users of this Web Site and System. Nevertheless, you hereby Consent that TeachUp Limited may transfer or give access to any Data collected and Processed under this Privacy Policy, provided it is required to be accessed or Processed by such parties or transferred to such parties for them to perform their services, and in such cases only to the extent necessary and for the legitimate and limited purposes described above. TeachUp Limited undertakes not to transfer any personal Data beyond the scope of this Privacy Policy. Furthermore, any Data that is Processed by third parties must be Processed within the terms of this Policy and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

5. Changes of Business Ownership and Control

5.1 TeachUp Limited may, from time to time, expand, transfer or reduce its business (or parts thereof) and this may involve the sale of its entire business or certain divisions thereof or the transfer of control of its entire business or certain divisions to other parties. You hereby Consent that TeachUp Limited may transfer and/or give access to any and all Data (including personal Data and Sensitive Personal Data) gathered under this Privacy Policy in case TeachUp Limited transfers its entire business or certain divisions thereof, or the part of its business to which such Data relates, to such new owner or newly controlling party, and such party will, under the terms of this Policy, be permitted to use the Data for the purposes for which it was supplied by you.

5.2 In the event that any Data submitted by Users will be transferred in such a manner, you will be contacted in advance and informed of the changes. When contacted you will be given the choice to have your Data deleted or withheld from the new owner or controller.

6. Controlling Access to your Data

6.1 Wherever you are requested to submit Data, you will be given options to restrict our use of that Data. This may include the following:

6.1.1 use of Data for direct marketing purposes; and

6.1.2 sharing Data with third parties.

7. Your Right to Withhold Information

7.1 You may access certain areas of the Web Site, System or Services without providing any Data at all. However, to use the entirety of the Web Site and all Services and Systems available on the Web Site you may be required to submit Account information or other Data, including personal Data.

8. Accessing your own Data, withdrawal of Consent and Deletion of your data

8.1 You may access your Account at any time to view, correct, delete or amend such Data, or to withdraw your Consent under this Policy, noting that a request for deletion of your Data, or a withdrawal of Consent under this Policy, may lead to the necessary deletion of your entire Account or other type of access to the Web Site, System or Services. You may be requested to voluntarily modify or update your Data if your circumstances change. Additional Data as to your marketing preferences may also be stored and you may change this at any time.

8.2 You have the right to ask for a copy of your personal Data, which may be subject to payment of a small fee, depending on the circumstances of the request.

9. Security

Data security is of great importance to TeachUp Limited and to protect your Data we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and internal managerial procedures to safeguard and secure Data collected online as required under applicable legislation. TeachUp Limited shall take all commercially reasonable steps to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of the Data collected and Processed under this Policy.

10. Changes to this Policy

TeachUp Limited reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy as we may deem necessary from time to time or as may be required by law. Any changes will be immediately posted on the Web Site and you are deemed to have accepted the terms of the updated Policy by continuing to use the Web Site, System or Services following the date of publication of the alterations to the Privacy Policy on our Web Site.

11. Contacting Us

If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy you may contact us at