Steer Safeguarding
A whole-school online application to proactively detect hidden safeguarding risks that otherwise could go undetected.
Every educational leader asks – could we do more to protect our young people? STEER Safeguarding enables schools to do more than simply report incidents of concern.
STEER Safeguarding uses a unique student-voice assessment to allow schools to see the whole picture of concerns around a young person, both in school and out of school, then proactively initiate conversations and actions.
Used during recent school lockdowns to safeguard more than 70,000 young people, STEER Safeguarding means you won’t miss a crucial piece of the jigsaw.
Identify Hidden Safeguarding Risks Early
Stay ahead of safeguarding concerns by detecting hidden risks as soon as they emerge—before they become visible through tangible signs.
With STEER, you can respond faster and investigate more thoroughly, guided by clear follow-up suggestions, ensuring no risk goes unnoticed.
Enhance Safeguarding with STEER and CPOMS Integration
Combine STEER risk flags with CPOMS for seamless data integration, boosting the effectiveness of your safeguarding systems.
Proactively detect risks both inside and outside of school by integrating STEER data with broader safeguarding information, giving you a comprehensive view of potential risks and concerns.

What is it?
The STEER Safeguarding module extends the STEER assessment by just 5 minutes.
How it works?
The STEER Safeguarding assessment picks up the effects of hidden safeguarding risks on the thinking of a young person.
The benefit
Schools can add STEER’s Safeguarding hidden risk flags to their existing safeguarding reporting.

If you would like to talk to a teacher who has used STEER safeguarding then contact our team today.