daniel boyd

Director of Education

As TeachUp’s Director of Education, Daniel brings extensive experience in the field of education. Graduating with a Bachelor’s of Education from the University of Wales in 2001, Daniel has over 20 years of teaching and leading experience across the UK, UAE, China and Hong Kong.

His most recent position was as Founding Headteacher for Charterhouse Asia, Shenzhen, a franchise of the esteemed Charterhouse School, UK. Unfortunately, the opening of the school was severely impacted by the effects of the global pandemic and unable to proceed a mere four months prior to opening.  Daniel saw this setback as an opportunity to assess how he could increase his positive impact on education on a far larger scale.

With almost a decade of international school leadership experience, Daniel has worked with teachers from a range of countries and possesses an unparalleled passion for developing staff into outstanding educators whilst raising school standards. His work with his own staff in developing bespoke training allowed him to best-identify the challenges teachers face, create programmes that are manageable and effective, and  bring about real change within the classroom and for general school development alike.

Daniel joining EDP was a natural move, as he shares in the group’s vision for teachers of all backgrounds to level up their skills for the benefit of their career and, most importantly, the students in their care. With his enthusiasm and guidance, TeachUp is in good hands to become a world leader in online training with region specific courses aimed at developing not only teaching and learning, but also professionalism and the wider school community.

Email: daniel.boyd@edpg.org
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