StaceyAnn Palma

Teacher Spotlight is an ongoing Q&A series that draws on the rich experience and expertise of teachers from all around the world. Join us as we celebrate their tireless work and share everything from their motivations and inspirations to their career-honed wisdom and insights.

Today we’re spotlighting StaceyAnn Palma, Lead English Teacher (Early Years) at Avenues Shenzhen. Read on as she discusses the importance of wellbeing in schools and her advice for aspiring teachers.

1. Hi StaceyAnn, great to have you here today! To begin with, we’d love to know what has been the most rewarding part of your job?

I listen and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand." Being a part of a learning community who places emphasis on the power of doing, through projects, play, exploration and travel, has been my dream teaching environment. I am in a teaching and learning environment where provocations, play and exploration beyond boarders are the fundamental principals. I delight in seeing the impact that doing has on the understanding, happiness and wellbeing of the students that I teach.

2. What is something you wish your students knew about you?

It is difficult for children to grasp that adults were once young. To this, I demonstrate to my students that I too was not always able to successfully do many tasks and there is still more for me to learn. Having me students hear me speak Mandarin or use chop sticks, is a great way for them to understand that I too am a learner. To this end, when I am preparing the learning environment, I visualize my students and myself as a child. This helps me to consider their vantage-point. 

3. How do you cope with stress? 

Working in supportive work environments with supportive co-teachers or faculty relationships has allowed work to feel like a safe community. Decorating my classroom in a way that feels like home for myself and my students, adds comfort and peace to my learning environment. Throughout the day I infuse quiet time for all, including the teacher, as silence is a powerful way to calm down, heal and recenter. A combination of a homely classroom environment and times for sacred silence,  makes my work space feel warm and welcoming.

In my personal life I enjoy singing, swimming, long walks along the boardwalk and I am a spiritual person who believes in the power of prayer and a spiritual community. 

4. Why is wellbeing important in schools?

In a school we grow and nourish young minds. Academic success without wellness of mind and spirit, does not create a beautiful life. It is the balance of mind, body, spirt, community and nature that creates wholistic flourishing for adults and children alike. We want to teach children how to be successful and thriving humans, wellbeing is certainly apart of such edification. 

5. What advice would you give an aspiring teacher?

A famous Chinese quote about teaching is, " It takes ten years to grow a tree, it takes a life time to nurture a person." Teaching is a life long journey. It is a beautiful partnership between the child, the family, the teacher, the school, the community and the world at large. You will certainly build a patient and wise character as a Teacher. Also, to see the moment that a child understands, the moment when a child's interest is sparked and to be able to be a part of such processes over and over again, is an honorable and special. You are invited to peak interest and help facilitate understanding as a teacher.  It is a wonderful profession!

We are grateful to StaceyAnn for sharing her experiences as a teacher with us. If you are interested in connecting with StaceyAnn, please visit her LinkedIn profile.


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