behaviour for learning

5 & 12 November 2024
Live Session Tuesdays 7.00pm - 8.30pm HKT (GMT+8)


workshop overview

How do we create students who are capable, independent learners? How do we help students to understand the process of learning and become resilient against failure?

Fostering efficacy, self-regulation and a positive mindset ensures that students are making great progress and engaging with lessons in a constructive, focused way.

Empowering students to understand themselves as thinkers and learners is essential, and this session will help teachers to explore different ways that they can utilise metacognitive approaches in order to develop these behaviours and cultivate intrinsic motivation.

Drawing on current theories from behavioural and cognitive science, we will investigate pedagogies that can promote high quality teaching and learning and ensure excellent outcomes for students.

learning outcomes

  1. To understand the science of learning and how this can shape classroom practice

  2. To explore the importance of executive functions and consider ways to reduce cognitive load through habits

  3. To develop strategies to build intrinsic motivation and reframe failure, building more resilient learners

  4. To consider the ways that we can use space and dynamics in the classroom to create empowering learning

workshop facilitator

This workshop is delivered by Joanne Robinson, BA, MA, PGCE, FCCT. Joanne is an education consultant with significant experience leading teacher training programmes.

Before entering teacher training, she taught in secondary education for 16 years. She now delivers postgraduate courses and advises on programmes of professional development for schools. She is keen to promote inclusive education that centres upon the wellbeing and autonomy of teachers as well as pupils.


Behaviour for Learning will be delivered over two 90-minute online sessions.