child safeguarding courses
TeachUp's innovative and engaging online courses will keep your students safe and your staff compliant.
level 1 child safeguarding courses
TeachUp’s Level 1 child safeguarding courses are available in multiple languages and designed for office staff, caterers, maintenance workers, security guards, bus drivers external providers, volunteers, and parents.
Basic Safeguarding and Child Protection
Learn how to keep children safe and protect their wellbeing through this scenario-based introductory course.
Basic Safeguarding and Child Protection (China)
Through this scenario-based introductory course, you'll learn how to keep children safe and support their wellbeing.
Basic Safeguarding and Child Protection (UAE)
Through this scenario-based introductory course, you'll learn how to keep children safe and support their wellbeing.
سياسة الحماية وحماية الطفل الأساسية
تعلم كيفية الحفاظ على سلامة الأطفال وحماية رفاههم من خلال هذه الدورة التمهيدية ذات السيناريوهات المتعددة لمعرفة كيفية حماية الطفل
Salvaguarda Básica e Proteção da Criança
Saiba como manter as crianças seguras e proteger o seu bem-estar realizando este curso introdutório de proteção à criança.
salvaguarda básica y protección infantil
Aprenda cómo mantener la seguridad de los niños y cómo proteger su bienestar mediante este curso introductorio a la protección de menores basado en situaciones reales.
Dasar Penjagaan dan Perlindungan Anak
Pelajari cara untuk menjaga keselamatan anak-anak dan melindungi kesejahteraan mereka melalui materi pembelajaran pengantar berbasiskan skenario ini.
Đảm bảo An toàn và Bảo vệ Trẻ em Cơ bản
Tìm hiểu cách giữ an toàn và bảo vệ sức khỏe cho trẻ em thông qua khóa học tình huống thực tế này.
Safer Recruitment
Learn how to recruit safely for jobs in the education sector with this course for HR and school leaders.
Safeguarding Knowledge Check Administrators
Demonstrate your understanding of safeguarding good practices by working through each scenario.
A parents guide to safeguarding
Our Parent's Guide to Safeguarding aims to establish a shared understanding of child safeguarding policies, practices, and procedures at your child's school.
level 2 safeguarding courses
TeachUp’s Level 2 child safeguarding courses are available in multiple languages and designed for teachers, designated safeguarding leads, principals, governors, and owners.
Child Safeguarding for International schools
Your comprehensive guide to good safeguarding practices, recognising signs of maltreatment, and responding to child protection concerns.
Salvaguarda da Criança para Escolas Internacionais
Este curso abrangente será seu guia sobre boas práticas de salvaguarda, reconhecimento de sinais de maus-tratos e resposta às questões de proteção da criança.
Child Safeguarding for China Schools
A comprehensive guide to good safeguarding practices, recognising signs of child maltreatment, and responding to child protection concerns.
Child Safeguarding for UAE Schools
A comprehensive guide to good safeguarding practices, recognising signs of maltreatment, and responding to child protection concerns in the UAE.
صون الطفل بمدارس الإمارات العربية المتحدة
دليل شامل لممارسات الصون الجيدة، والتعرف على علامات سوء المعاملة، والاستجابة لمخاوف حماية الطفل في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة.
Role of the Safeguarding Lead
Develop the skills you need to understand your key responsibilities as a designated safeguarding lead.
关于您作为学校儿童守护指定责任人 (DSL) 或儿童保护官的角色和主要职责的指南。
Revisiting Child Safeguarding
Revisiting Child Safeguarding is your complete revision guide to good safeguarding practices.
safeguarding subscription
1. Get in touch
Our team will assess your safeguarding and wellbeing training needs and determine how we can best support you and your staff.
2. Explore courses
We will work with you to design the right learning solution for your staff based on your country, language, and employees' profiles.
3. Choose your plan
Our subscription plan includes unlimited staff access so everyone in your organisation can benefit from our CPD certified training.
4. Onboard your staff
Our team will guide you through staff onboarding and provide ongoing support, allowing you to focus on what matters most.