what’s included in my subscription?

  • This introductory course will highlight the importance of child protection awareness and guide you through real-life scenarios to help you assess your own understanding of safeguarding best practice. This course is available in Mandarin, Arabic, Spanish, Thai, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Malay and Indonesian. Click HERE to view course

  • advanced course is your comprehensive guide to every aspect of safeguarding and child protection. Through this course, you will learn the differences between child safeguarding and child protection, key information related to specific areas of abuse and neglect, and how to protect yourself and your organisation from potential risks. We will also share good practices for maintaining professional conduct within your organisation, as well as how to identify and respond appropriately to child safety concerns. This course is available in English, Mandarin, Arabic and Portuguese. Click HERE to view the course.

  • Our role of the safeguarding lead course acts as a detailed guide to your role and key responsibilities as the Designated Safeguarding Lead or Child Protection Officer in your school. In this course, you will gain an understanding of the preparation, composition, and implementation of safeguarding policies, response to initial reports and record keeping, and escalation of concerns, including contacting external agencies. This course is available in English and Mandarin. Click HERE to view the curse.

  • Child Safeguarding in Sport is your comprehensive guide to every aspect of safeguarding and child protection. In this course, you will learn how to identify abuse and neglect and respond appropriately to child safety concerns. We will share safeguarding best practices to prevent potential risks to children, yourself and your organisation. This course is available in English and Arabic. Click HERE to view the course.

  • This safer recruitment course is recommended for HR staff, school leaders, school board members and anyone else involved in the hiring process. This necessary training will ensure you avoid safer recruitment failures and your students and staff remain protected. Click HERE to view the course.

  • This introductory guide developed especially for parents and caregivers highlights the importance of safeguarding and child protection policies and procedures at your child's school. You will learn why the school implements certain policies and procedures and how you can effectively collaborate and communicate with the teachers and staff to ensure the safety of all children. This guide is available in English, Mandarin, Arabic, Spanish, Indonesian, Hindi, Thai and Malay. Click HERE to view the course.

  • Designed for those who have completed our Advanced Safeguarding and Child Protection course. Here, you will review key information related to safeguarding good practices. In this course, you will also rediscover how to correctly identify and respond to child maltreatment concerns to protect yourself, your students, and your organisation. Available upon subscription renewal or as part of a 2+ year contract. This course is available in English and Mandarin. Click HERE to view the course.

  • Our safeguarding knowledge checks have been designed for educators working with children of all ages. Featuring our unique scenario-based instructional design, the knowledge checks are great for refreshing your knowledge of safeguarding good practice. Available upon subscription renewal or as part of a 2+ year contract.


Safeguarding Subscription for China Schools

Safeguarding Subscription for UAE Schools